Company Change Initiatives
Are you worried that your company needs a boost? In the immortal words of Vanilla Ice: You got a problem, yo, we’ll solve it. You aren’t alone when something goes wrong at work. Our consultants help teams locate their misplaced mojo, help organizations get their groove back.
OMG, do we love to measure things. Want to know what your culture really is? Interested in uncovering your most influential informal leaders? Need help gathering data on a tough organizational problem? Please, please call us, because we really want to measure it.
Communication Skills Classes
Are your people having trouble with difficult messages? Not persuading clients effectively enough? Spending too much time bickering? Opportunities slipping away? The good news is that a little communication skills training can make a big difference in the digital age.
Difficult Employee Coaching
Do you have an employee whose interpersonal behavior is driving you crazy? Maybe the employee is a star performer with customers, but a tyrant with coworkers. Or perhaps it’s someone you are very reluctant to fire—you have your reasons—but you know you’re at the point where something has to be done.
Meeting Facilitation and Team Facilitation
Feel like you’ve been herding cats and dogs and gerbils lately? Having trouble making progress on a difficult conversation or gaining momentum on a thorny problem? Don’t let the zoo keep you down any longer. Call one of our expert facilitators to help you and your team get unstuck.
Executive Team Building
Our comparative advantage is simple: We never waste your time. When we gather leadership teams, the sessions are informative, organizationally relevant, and fun. Yes, we said the f-word. Why shouldn’t time spent with some of the most important people in your company be fun?
Mouthpeace Consulting engages and entertains like rock stars, and solves complex problems like rocket scientists. My highest recommendation!
CEO, Mission Capital
I learn something new and meaningful at every Mouthpeace Consulting training session. Their combination of science, practicality, and engrossing material makes the time fly, and leaves me looking forward to the next time. A homerun every time!
VP of Accounting, Lone Star Circle of Care
Mouthpeace training sessions leave people wanting more, and eager for the next opportunity to get together. Their recipe of laughter plus learning leads to perfection!
Deputy Executive Director, Texas Municipal League
Mouthpeace Consulting is dependable, punctual, and efficient. They are excellent in whatever tasks and projects we ask them to tackle. Their consultants solve tricky conflicts with ease, handles situations tactfully, and deliver solutions. Their team will bring out the best in your team.
COO, Rehoboth-McKinley Christian Health Care Services
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